Monday, August 08, 2011

The trumpet vines are even more amazing and the pool is finally blue! I swam both days of the weekend. Despite the difficulties of getting it clear this summer, I've been swimming more than usual. It's such a hot one!

My brother celebrated his birthday on Saturday. Since Elwyn owned the house, while we were having cake, my mother talked about the diaries and mentioned this announcement she noticed that he had clipped and inserted in the 1961 diary: 

 By Jean Henderson
    Mr and Mrs Joe Massimo, now living in Boston, became parents of a baby boy Sept. 15, this is their first child.
     Florence Giuliano surprised all by having her baby weeks ahead of time. She was born Sept. 18, 5a.m. weighing 6lbs. 7 oz. And named Dina. Florence and Dino now have two boys and two girls.
    Seven year old Janette Giuliano stated emphatically that if they couldn’t have a girl then she would rather have a raccoon. Thank heaven for small favors! The raccoon notion came because she has seen so many of them at the home of her grandparents, Mr & Mrs Mart Eckert.

Aunt Jean wrote a column for the local newspaper (as Elwyn did before her). I was going to save that birth announcement for the actual day of my 50th, but it couldn't keep.

This issue is creating quite a stir. My father said yesterday, "We haven't had a town controversy in a while. It's good to have them every so often."

Finally: we watched Another Year, a wonderful British movie, Mike Leigh's latest. Really reminded me of...someone in my own life. Enough said.

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