Monday, October 03, 2011

Getting down to the wire on my fresh produce. Last night I put what might be the last cucumbers (have to check the garden today; rain and mosquitoes have been a barrier), and almost the last tomatoes into the salad. Also basil, parsley and chives but those are still going strong. Until frost, that is, although all but the basil can usually withstand it. I picked the eggplant and sauteed them -- plain with just olive oil and garlic, no Parmesan. They were too precious. Consumed the last zucchini a while ago, those plants were mostly devastated by Irene, unfortunately. The first produce is so eagerly anticipated, and the last is bittersweet. But "next spring, if I'm alive..." I'm going to plant purple rather than white eggplant, and I'm going to give them each an individual container.

It is really hard to accomplish anything! Now that I can read the Mark Twain book thanks to the Kindle, that's all I want to do. I have decided I am going to go back and re-read the first 270 pages that I had finished pre-Kindle. Just didn't appreciate it enough with its tiny font; it was tortuous, instead of a pleasure. (Tried for alliteration there and came up short.)

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