Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Two weeks until the semester begins, one week until the online course must be ready. I've committed to a "third course," but it will be composed of administrative work in graduate admissions and advisement for the department, not teaching. So, adding in the graduate student mentoring, and the (potential) contract writing that I already expressed interest in when I submitted my last brochure in June, it looks like my time is filled. The good part is that it means no anxious, hungry scrambling for work; the bad part is that it leaves little time for creative freelancing. If the book contract comes through, I'll be writing in the wee hours to make the deadline. If it doesn't, I'll have to be very careful to not put the project aside for a few years. But, I always accomplish more than expected when I am too busy, and find myself tearing apart my head when I am not.

So I have a few days until I have to post the online course introduction, and the weather, while still on the hot side, is more pleasant today - opening up many options. I should clean, the house surely needs it. I should write up some checks and mail bills. I should do some yard work. I could take a nap. Or write. Or surf. Or cook something special. Or brush the excess hair out of Rudy, and get the mats out of Edna (Sophie still has little hair, although she could use a bath). Rudy loves it, Edna does not. Sophie watches warily. Does she wish for hair, I wonder, or is she hoping to not be the next to be groomed? Anyway, the question is, what will I choose?

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