Thursday, July 18, 2002

Finished midpoint evaluations for class, and sent out the good, bad, and mixed news via email. Time to take a break from Big Blue, check the garden, figure out dinner.

Something about transforming journals from print to electronic that maybe isn't always such a great thing: as I surf around I am struck by the in-general negative tone of much of the writing. Journaling has been a venting tool for me in my life at times, and so it is natural that it would serve that purpose in digitland, as well. But in print, well, the volumes slumbered in some drawer or shared a shelf with classic once-read books. People read them on the web - or at least there is that potential. Venting is positive, I'm sure, but I guess what I'm feeling is that I can't abide all the complaining, and I think life is a lot more fun without a chip on your shoulder.

Tapped out for now. Grading is quite tiring. And it is very, very hot today. Oh, read my defense of the past on Blogsisters.

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