Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Welcome to Gully Brook Press

The website of freelance writer

Last week, I was wearing my winter coat, and today, it is 90 degrees. I had to put the A/C on to be able to work in this oven of a room. I have no choice, I landed another writing assignment (I think this means I can almost call myself a writer now), and so I had to tie up some loose ends. First, I did another round of clearing out the office, making space and filing. Then, I did some work on my class. Only four weeks to go and the semester is over. All-in-all, a better semester than last Fall, but still there are always annoyances...coming primarily in the form of students who refuse make any effort, but fully expect passing (or better) grades, graduation, and all the rewards of a college degree.

Enough of that. Why is it that 95% of the students are fine, and probably at least 20% are excellent, but the 5% who do not wish to learn are such a drain? I promised myself after last Fall that I would focus a bit more on the 95% and 20%, and not let the 5% dominate. I'm happy to report that I have been kind of successful in that approach this Spring. I am piloting an online assessment from Mount Royal College, called FAST. It has an advantage over the one the university administers, in that it is online, just like the course delivery. Mailing forms to distance learning students means a very low response rate. And, it has the advantage over my usual online instrument, in that it is anonymous.

Edna-Kitty is doing better - eating some, adjusting to the shaved spot, hates but will tolerate the antibiotic - and pissed that she isn't being let outside at the moment.

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