Friday, January 11, 2013

Advance cooking is all done, getting ready to head to S'ville. I was thinking as I cooked about the number of January birthdays there are among folks I know. My maternal grandfather's was January 2. He'd be 1139 if he was living! (He died in 1971 at age 97.) There's Bob's on January 5 (53 this year, now can that be possible...?).

I am the youngest of my siblings, and the youngest cousin on my mother's side, and the second youngest cousin on my father's; my mother's family is small (not including my brothers, sister and me, just three first cousins), but my father's is huge (without us, 19 first cousins). January 9 my youngest cousin on my father's side turned 50! That seems even harder to believe than Bob's age. January 10 was the birthday of one of my maternal first cousins., and then there is Ma's birthday tomorrow.

This isn't even including all the facebook notifications for people's birthdays I wouldn't remember otherwise (LOL seems appropriate here).

 One of those January birthdays
 Martin Eckert (Grandpa).
The back of this photo says "Uncle Mart natural as life. February 22, 1965 at my birthday 75th anniversary party old cuzzin Elwyn Squire Davis"

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