Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Garden is in - webpage updates are done - treadmill space is still in progress. Class must be ready June 17, and actually begins on June 24. And, it is hot...

Tuesday Too # 16

1.) The New York Times recently had an article by David Gallagher on the war bloggers (after 9/11 and mostly right-wingers) vs. techie bloggers or so called veteran bloggers. Do you think the very nature of blogging is revolutionary? NOTE: you need to create a user name and password to access the NYTs.

Hmmmm....revolutionary is a strong word, maybe too strong as a description. From the (admittedly short and small) length of time and amount I've surfed around reading others' journals, many words jump to mind, among them self-important and self-absorbed! But the weblog phenomenon definitely is something. Much simpler to access than a webpage. And although it is as easy (to publish) as participating in a chat room or discussion board, it is different. More permanent.

I think this is only scratching the surface.

2.) Are labels (i.e. feminist, left or right) really important? What if the meanings change over time? Is there some particular label you're proud to wear and why?

I don't care for labels, and I think the meanings (including feminist, left, and right) do change a lot over time. I find it is difficult to categorize people this way - interesting people are more complex than a label. But if I had to wear a label, "writer" would be OK.

3.) Would you be willing to give up, or reassess something you strongly believe in because hard evidence suggests that you are totally wrong?

Yes. I believe in assessment - and reassessment. You know, that value of an unexamined life stuff. But labels aside, I also think that there are some absolutes.

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