Thursday, April 25, 2013

I got my haircut yesterday, and while I was waiting, I read the newspaper. I've written before that I stopped receiving a daily paper in February 2011 (after being a lifelong subscriber). I expected to miss it, anticipated the loss of my morning routine -- but after a very short time, found I didn't miss it one whit.

I still read many articles from the news, of course. It's just that now I read them online. Rather than as a morning coffee companion, I read in brief intervals throughout the day. Actually reading the hard copy has become an unfamiliar experience. Another thing I notice is that my reading patterns are different online than they are in the "paper." Admittedly, this is probably the biggest loss: in the paper I would read stories that I either miss or skip on the website.

This is one example. I saw the headline, but didn't immediately "click" it as I was busy working. When I was perusing the dead tree version, it was a top headline, I remembered it, and I'm glad I read it. I want to use it in class next week. PLEASE, SED! Adopt this!! Maybe it will result in no more grade distributions like the one I wrote about yesterday.

This isn't really another example...I did read the story online, which made me sick. The "perp" better not cross my path. What a shameful thing for campus to be associated with. Here's hoping they catch this monster pronto.

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