Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Today is my last day on campus until January 18. Fall grades have to be done by 11:59 pm on December 26. Naturally I will be working nonstop until then to make the deadline. Oh, I guess I will have to take a break of a couple of days to celebrate Christmas, but otherwise...

I have several changes in mind for next semester. I have to cut down my end of semester workload to a more reasonable level. And, I am getting tired of the assignments. I am going to make students write a lesson plan and present it to class with their groups, instead of just writing a book review individually. Change is good.

I don't like having to sign into google to use blogger. That's my only criticism so far, and it is fairly minor, but when I wrote a comment and used my blogger sign-in, it vanished. How irritating. Oh, I forgot. I do have one other concern. My archives aren't appearing, and I don't see where to re-publish them. I'm sure it is somewhere, but I haven't spent the time looking.

We didn't go to Samsonville this weekend (Bob was working on a group project that wasn't going well - although it turned out OK) so I will have to wait until Saturday to see if I can get the wireless running. Now there's another day that I won't be working on grades. So I better not procrastinate otherwise!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is sort of confusing since they lump the Google and Blogger sign-ins together.

I don't know whether or not you've converted your blog to beta yet (I'm still on the original--I'm waiting until they iron out all the kinks on beta), but maybe you should try to look at the "comment moderation" to see if your comment went there.

For the archives, try going to "Status" and hit "Republish entire blog." If that doesn't work, look under settings and check if you don't accidentally have it set for no archives.

howzerdo said...

I converted, and I probably should have waited. Live and learn! There doesn't seem to be a "status" where you can republish the entire blog now. My settings seem OK.