Monday, April 19, 2021

I'm pissed that Dr. Fauci (according to commentary that slipped into my awareness despite my embargo on all news) is acting like there is a good chance J&J will be fired up again, no problem, move along, nothing to see here. Why do public health people have no clue how to overcome vaccine hesitancy?

I had two extremely bonded dogs, Howie (1980-1995) & Penny (1983-1999). After Howie died, Penny was never quite the same. She had happy times certainly, but mostly she did not get over it. We adopted Rudy (1995-2005) as a puppy, and although he was a salve to me and they got along fine, especially after he grew up (he tortured Edna the cat worse when he was a wild puppy), it didn't snap her out of mourning. When she died, I found comfort in thinking that she and Howie were reunited.

Harry isn't having an easy time handling the loss of Rosie. I knew they were close, and that he followed her lead, but I didn't expect this much impact. I knew she was alpha, but I didn't realize how much that mattered to Harry and made him feel safe. I want to get another little Beagle (I miss Rosie so much...), which is hard right now to accomplish. I haven't adopted another cat, and Teddy died in February 2020; very odd for me. I know I have to be careful in choosing an appropriate companion for Harry, after the Penny experience.


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