Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Paterson: State layoff schedule could be moved up -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY.

News flash to Governor Paterson: SHUT UP. I am so tired of his constant BS. He can whine all he wants about trying to be responsible and the state's fiscal situation. Yes, I know there is a kernel of truth in his chicken little rantings. But he is responsible for eroding public confidence. He is responsible for the damage his constant hysterics generate. Why he hates state workers is beyond me. Why did he agree to run with Spitzer anyway? I really wish he (Paterson) was running for Governor this year so I could have the pleasure of seeing him go down to historic defeat.

BTW, I've very proud that my student evaluations give me and my courses over 4.5 out of 5 every semester. Right now, I have 50 students in my summer session class. Even with the summer large enrollment incentive (keep in mind there is no guarantee I will get it), that translates to $106 per student. Meanwhile, the State takes in $31,050 for the class, not including fees. In the summer I use zero state resources; I bought my computer, my office is in my house, my telephones are just that - mine. All my supplies come from Staples. I buy a lot of educational materials (books, videos) every semester that I share with students. Do I get reimbursed for any of that? No.

I know it probably sounds like I am complaining, but I'm really not. I feel very lucky to work from home in the summer, to get time to garden, write, read, and be with my animals, and to have an intellectually stimulating job all year that suits me better than any I've had in the past. My pay may not be what I could get in other positions (although "it's not a bad way to make a living," as my father would say), but I get great benefits.

However, I am tired of being among the group of people that Paterson (and non-public sector workers) regularly target for ridicule. What I am doing is practically volunteer work, and the State makes money from my labor. Just because I enjoy it and am good at it, doesn't mean I don't deserve to be paid! And I certainly don't warrant the constant negative characterizations and endless threats that come out of the Governor's mouth.

So chill out. Then do us all a favor and go away.

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