Monday, December 28, 2020

Last week we watched the new season of Blue Bloods. I was surprised when they announced a season 11 after 10 was supposed to be the last. The show seemed "done" to me but I wondered how they would handle two major issues, the pandemic and civil unrest.Well, the answer is: badly. Seriously appalling in both cases, although I suspect the racial issue will be the subject of future episodes (but perhaps not). The pandemic story seemed like an aside so they could pretend COVID-19 was a minor incident in the past and not address public health or the huge, still unfolding cultural impact this long crisis has had and will have on our society. It would have been better if they didn't make another season IMO. The actors not wearing masks, not social distancing, not dealing with the subject in a serious way is pathetic and cowardly. Or maybe everyone connected to the show thinks it is a hoax. As if the dead son's surprise progeny is shocking or scandalous or likely or worthy of center stage treatment. What a crock! How about a real story line - grandpa battles the virus.

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