Friday, March 01, 2002

Welcome to Gully Brook Press

The website of freelance writer

Please visit my site (by clicking the link), where you can read some of my short works.

I have always liked the idea of a journal. I think it is vital for a writer, although it really is a great venting and reflection tool for everyone. When I was a kid, I knew a man who kept a journal on a daily basis - from when he was 12 years old in 1902, almost until his death at age 86 in 1976. He wrote about the weather every day, but he also wrote on the small and large events of his life on a farm, and as a member of a rural community. What a wonderful resource are those diaries! They now reside in the collection of a local library and museum.

I have wasted the better part of this week on technical problems. Are we stretching our infrastucture to the limit, is it the ISP or maybe my machine? Or, could it really be one of those infamous "user problems" that were the only answer most support people would ever give, back in the days of 286 PCs and 64k and DOS?

Several months ago I took a big risk. I left the (relative) comfort of my administrative job at a flashcube to pursue freelancing: freelance writing, freelance research, freelance consulting, and adjunct teaching. Recently, I caught up on the various jobs I have taken to pay the bills, wished my book proposal good luck as I submitted it (it has been in the works since 1996), and made some progress in getting organized (just progress, I am not actually there yet). So, I decided it was time to focus on establishing a web presence for my freelance writing.

My comfort level with computing is fairly high, but I probably should be less impatient with the web page publishing learning curve. I had things set (kind of), and then those technical problems kicked in - all at once. My cable modem started acting up by working only intermittently, the provider's customer service department was not as quick, or as forthright, with their response as the exhorbitant cost should indicate, then AOL suddenly started to have trouble with their FTP space, and in an effort to learn to add frames to my new pages, I managed to destroy them. But, after a few days of irritation, the cable technician showed up, AOL straightened out the homepage problems (mostly), and I decided to add learning frames to a future task list.

Well, that's my rant for the day. But you can visit my new and improved space on the web by clicking above, or here, on the Gully Brook Press link, where I have posted PDF files of some of my writing: short essays, articles, and one poem. You see, frames may be frustrating me, but I think I managed to get around some of those tech issues with using AOL as the host (though I admit in a roundabout way). I hope to update my Gully Brook Press site with new samples often, and to make technical improvements both here and there. Pleased to meet you!

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