I think, or at least I hope, that the stress is making people unkind. I write "I hope" not because I want
people to be unkind, but because people seem unkinder, and I hope COVID-19 fatigue is the reason,
so that in a few years when this is over, niceness returns. But maybe people have always been mean,
and my perception is off -- or stress from the virus isn't the cause of the current nasty -- or it won't "go
back" and become kinder. I don't know. I have been called a coward (by a resident of my village in a
Facebook comment), told to stop hogging the floor (by a senior colleague in a Zoom private chat
message), that bad Karma would get me (in a Facebook message) and a neighbor is sending
me aggressive texts. All except the Zoom chat were related to my village board seat - which I lost by
two votes on 9/15, after an excruciatingly executive order delayed election. I know many mean things
were said about me behind my back and various untruths were gossiped, but that's politics. It's ugly
even at the local level. I never said an unkind or untrue word about anyone (publicly that is; I certainly didn't hide my assessment of the opponents from close friends or family, LOL), I didn't even ask for a
recount. Everyone of these bullying incidents was direct - to my personal accounts. And the bad Karma
note and the texts are after the election is long over! I made peace with the loss immediately,
and have moved on. Why can't I be left alone?
Friday, November 20, 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
I was SO IRRITATED at snarky TV-6 WRBG last night. They had a "news" report by anchors Ann McCloy & Greg Floyd & reporter Briana Supardi that was downright harmful. I understand dissenting from the government, but I follow every virus-related State press conference and press release, and at no point was it remotely suggested that the State or localities could, would or should aggressively enforce the 10 person gathering limit on private residences. The Governor cajoles and pleads about the law, but only a fool doesn't "get" that it is intended to encourage good sense; it's positive public health messaging at a time when we are seeing a huge spike and health care is being taxed. It is the bully pulpit, which is so needed with the holidays and the temptation to ignore guidance and party hearty with family and friends and spark a super-spreader event. Floyd & McCloy & Supardi and some moron local law enforcement making statements about non-enforcement and Constitutionality (DUH!) are encouraging bad behavior and they are empowering cretins (who can be clearly seen posting in comments on their and other local media's Facebook pages). I am disgusted by the irresponsibility. #shameonyou