Saturday, October 08, 2022

I didn't mention it here before this, but last week or so, I had a dream that had Gary and Bob's grandmother in it. It was at some sort of facility, I was instructing Gary about Grandma's needs, and he was taking it all very seriously. His appearance was normal; he was not ill. 

Then, the past two nights were filled with vivid dreams: Thursday night, I had two dreams in a row that were unrelated. The first was about dogs. We had a bunch (many more than three). It wasn't a bad dream, but it was chaotic. LOL. I guess that's life with a bunch of dogs. Maybe mine were barking while I slept, and that's what inspired it. IDK. 

The second was about Mimmie! I don't recall dreaming about her in a long time, even though I think of her often. At first, I knew it was her, but the woman did not look or seem at all like her physically. Then she suddenly changed into actual Mimmie - the way she lives in my memory, house dress and all. I was sitting at a table across from her, and my niece Anna was sitting next to me (as an adult). The setting was Mimmie's kitchen at her trailer, except the trailer was more of a double-wide. The decor was just like the trailer, '70s/'80s. 

Last night, I dreamed of my father again. He looked great, like himself. He was sitting in his living room watching television. I was so pleased, because I knew he'd been sick, had surgery, didn't care about TV any more - and there he was, in good spirits, seeming fine, happily watching it. 

I feel as if I am glimpsing "the other side" with all these dreams featuring animals and people who have passed on. I have always occasionally had dreams like this, but since my father died it has increased, and very recently it is almost nonstop.

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