Friday, October 21, 2022

I am tired of non-stop political ads on television. I am pissed that I was gerrymandered into the district of a member of the house of representatives who I can't stand. I filled out my absentee ballot and mailed it yesterday. I am never voting in person again. I will skip voting if I have to go to a polling place. I mourn the old machines and hate coloring in the form while poll watchers spy on me. I will only do it in the privacy of my home.

On Wednesday, I got the COVID-19 Omicron variant specific booster. The pharmacy was screwed up and thought I was getting a flu shot. Every time I have gotten the vaccine, I have had to fill out papers at home, and then the same forms on premises. The incompetence everywhere is astonishing. As I suspected, I reacted to the shot again and felt awful yesterday. It wasn't as bad as shot #2 in the original series, but it was not pleasant.

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