Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Last night, I again dreamed of my father. I has been three months since the last one. It was a good dream and I was happy to see him. I knew he was dead, and was amazed and so pleased he was there. He was standing, talking on the phone (to a business, perhaps a telemarketer). He was wearing a dark red long sleeved shirt, and looked as he did about 15 years ago. He has been gone 13 months now, and I miss him so much.

In the paper yesterday there was an article about one of the anchors on the local news we often watch. It was a sketchy article, said she was "on leave" and "needed a break." Very odd, I cannot envision the station permitting such a thing. I am not linking or naming her because she's a real person and I don't wish to be specifically unkind, but I really hope she does not come back. The news is so much more pleasant to watch without her. She has a snarky, nasty edge that upsets me.

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