Saturday, February 26, 2005

The Freeman often has good articles that focus on history, if there is a local connection. Today they cover the questions of historical accuracy and artistic integrity raised by adding Sojourner Truth to the Portrait Monument. I have been thinking about that debate and I feel conflicted, in that I can see merits to both sides. The importance of Sojourner Truth to suffrage should not be overlooked, and it is a nice idea to correct this oversight. On the other hand, tampering with the artwork wrongs the artist. Finally, that she was excluded in the 1920s is also a part of history. We cannot erase it. It may be hard to accept that feminists and other progressives of the 1920s did not embrace black women, but Disney World is not a museum.

I think my sympathy is stronger for the idea that we cannot change the past, we instead must focus on now. Sojourner Truth should have her own monument, near the Portrait Monument, to celebrate her achievements. And the interpretive materials at the site should be revised, to explain her contributions to the fight for women's suffrage, as well as the fact that she was not included in the original 1920s commemoration.

I linked to this in the past, but seeing the county historian mentioned reminded me to re-check one of her projects. This site about the poorhouse is coming along.

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