Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Thunderstorm yesterday leads to beautiful weather today. The power went out for about 2 minutes here - just enough to make digital clocks everywhere start flashing, a couple of alarm clocks, the VCR, even the no-account coffee maker, for pete's sake. This was a technological advance? Here in the office, I have a trusty old analog clock - the kind grandma had hanging in her kitchen. It has a double scalloped edge, and it was white until Bob splatter painted it blue and black when we were decorating the office during renovations of this house. I think I have had it since I was in college in Oneonta. It may be a bit slow now - I didn't have it set to precisely the right time anyway, time is cyclical, so who cares? - but after those two minutes it started up, no resetting necessary.

Today is opening day at Saratoga. Now, there's something to get worked up about: horse racing. I detest it. That's a pretty radical sentiment around here, where fans spend the entire month of August drooling about the "sport" every year. Here are my thoughts on the subject during an August past. As it happens, I am going to Saratoga on Monday, but to see the Dave Matthews Band at the performing arts center. At the moment I'm thinking, what was I thinking when those tickets were purchased? I usually avoid Saratoga during racing season like the plague.

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